Practice hack: how to review previous lessons on Duolingo
Interviewing with Duolingo’s Engineering Team
New in Music: play songs by your favorite artists
Friend Streak: a new way to stay motivated together
Why I chose Duolingo: Brian Martin, Android engineer
3 interesting engineering problems you could only solve at Duolingo
30+ common Italian phrases for your trip to Italy
30+ common French phrases for your trip to France
How we turned Duo's butt into a viral Super Bowl commercial
Wie wird die französische Sprache in 100 Jahren aussehen?
Como vai ser o francês daqui a 100 anos?
¿Cómo será el francés dentro de 100 años?
¿Cómo será el español dentro de 100 años?
Wie wird die spanische Sprache in 100 Jahren aussehen?
Como vai ser o espanhol daqui a 100 anos?
What will French be like 100 years from now?
O Duolingo está reunindo idiomas, música e matemática no mesmo lugar
Unser brandneuer Musikkurs trifft die Töne
Nuestro nuevo curso de música da en la tecla
¡Duolingo une a los idiomas, las matemáticas y la música en un mismo lugar!
Duolingo vereint Sprachen, Mathe und Musik in einer App!
Why I chose Duolingo: Sean Devlin, VP of Workplace
Delicious names for "pie charts" in other languages
5 things we learned about Malala and her relationship to language
Our brand-new Music course hits all the right notes
Duolingo is bringing language, math, and music under one roof!
What will Spanish be like 100 years from now?
4 Duos latinoamericanos hablan de los platillos que les recuerdan a sus hogares
Why I chose Duolingo: Parker Henry, Learning Designer
4 Latinx Duos on the foods that remind them of home
執筆者 Duolingo Team
製品 (JA)
Why I chose Duolingo: Julie Wang, iOS Engineer
Sonderbericht: Welche Generation nimmt ihren Streak besonders ernst?
Reporte especial: ¿qué generación se toma más en serio su racha?
Boletim especial: Qual geração tem a maior ofensiva?
Vire um personagem do Duolingo com os novos avatares!
Mit unseren neuen Avataren kannst du aussehen wie einer unserer Duolingo-Charaktere!
¡Conviértete en un personaje de Duolingo con nuestros nuevos avatares!
Why I chose Duolingo: Franziska Passing, Senior Operations Engineer
¿Cómo funcionan las Ligas de Duolingo?
10 things I hate about… life before Duolingo
Special report: Which generation is most serious about their streak?
Wie funktionieren die Duolingo-Ranglisten?
Como funcionam as Ligas do Duolingo?
Become a Duolingo character with our new Avatars!
Why I chose Duolingo: Jackie Lee, AI Research Scientist
This is the most confusing workplace jargon around the world
Why I chose Duolingo: Katie Wallace, Engineering Director
Why I chose Duolingo: Matt Brandman, Senior Engineering Manager
Interviewing with Duolingo’s Product Design team
How do Duolingo Leaderboards work?
Why I chose Duolingo: Soumaya Dammak, Data Scientist
Devela el misterio del naufragio chileno en la nueva edición del Podcast de Duolingo en español
Conheça o Duolingo Max, uma experiência de aprendizado desenvolvida com o GPT-4
Conoce Duolingo Max, una experiencia de aprendizaje potenciada con GPT-4
Introducing Duolingo Max, a learning experience powered by GPT-4
Why I chose Duolingo: Aliza Zaidi-Haider, Senior Legal Advisor
Why I chose Duolingo: Liz Nagler, Director of Product Management
How to break up with someone in 10 different languages
“I love you, my flea!” Give these adorable pet names a try
Los boomers versus la generación Z: ¿quién está superando sus metas de idiomas?
Boomers vs. Gen Z: Who is crushing their learning goals?
7 ways you can switch up your practice in the app right now
10 Duos share their funniest language mistake
9 Duos share their proudest language moment
Chega de desculpas: 23 dicas para manter a sua ofensiva em 2023
Keine Ausreden: Mit diesen 23 Tipps behältst du 2023 deinen Streak
Sin excusas: 23 tips para mantener tu racha en el 2023
No excuses: 23 tips to keep your streak alive in 2023
Why I chose Duolingo: Nico Sacheri, Principal Product Manager
How to say "thank you" in more than 30 languages
Duolingo’s Math course makes learning easy as pi(e)
Meet Colton, whose Duolingo Spanish lessons helped him soar to the top of the class!
This Oktoberfest, raise your glass to learning German!
How to order coffee in other languages
Why I interned with Duolingo for two summers in a row
Linda Simensky has worked with all of your favorite animated characters
Why I interned at Duolingo: Rebecca Hu, product manager intern
Why I chose Duolingo: Neha Jain, Technical Program Manager
¡Se acerca una actualización… a nuestro curso de alto valyrio!
por Duolingo Team
An update is coming… to our High Valyrian course!
Why I chose Duolingo: Sammi Siegel, Senior Software Engineer
Essential phrases for helping Ukrainian refugees
Why I chose Duolingo: Alina Abidi, Software Engineer
Why I chose Duolingo: Basim Baig, Software Engineering Manager
How to set your 2022 language goals based on your learner style
Cómo establecer tus metas de idiomas para el 2022 según tu tipo de usuario
por Duolingo Team
How we got smarter about teaching grammar in 2021
Cómo mejoramos nuestra forma de enseñar gramática en el 2021
por Duolingo Team