Quanto você sabe de italiano?
Pourquoi est-ce si difficile de maîtriser l’orthographe en anglais ?
Dear Duolingo: What are the different writing systems around the world?
Wie man in Italien auf Italienisch Essen bestellt
Everything you need to know about Italian pronunciation
How to use possessive adjectives in Italian
A new tool for learning to read Japanese on Duolingo
How to use definite and indefinite Italian articles
How to order food in Italian in Italy
Warum ist die englische Rechtschreibung so schwer?
Por que a ortografia do inglês é tão difícil?
How much do you know about Italian?
¿Por qué es tan complicado deletrear en inglés?
Why is English spelling so tricky?
What the Irish language can tell us about historical and modern-day Ireland
¡Aprende a leer caracteres japoneses!
por Elizabeth Strong