Duolingo English Testのオンライン試験監督方式
Q&A with Diksha Dinde
3 ways we improved the DET practice test
Multi-talented, multi-national: why we chose to work on the DET
How AI is helping Duolingo democratize education
What does education mean to a refugee?
Is online testing here to stay?
Testes interativos para a capacidade de interagir
Interaktive Tests für interaktive Fertigkeiten
Evaluación interactiva de habilidades interactivas
¿Qué tan difícil es el Duolingo English Test?
O Duolingo English Test é muito difícil?
Interactive tests for interactive skills
Regeln sind Regeln: Das müssen Teilnehmende übers Schummeln beim Duolingo English Test wissen
Las reglas son las reglas: qué debes saber sobre hacer trampa en el Duolingo English Test
Regras são regras: o que você deve saber sobre má conduta e o Duolingo English Test
Ist der Duolingo English Test fair?
How we support English learners at every phase of their journey
Cómo apoyamos a quienes aprenden inglés en cada etapa de su aventura
Como auxiliamos os alunos de inglês em todas as etapas do aprendizado
¿Qué tan justo es el Duolingo English Test?
Será que o Duolingo English Test é justo?
Como é a fiscalização online do Duolingo English Test
¿Cómo el Duolingo English Test supervisa sus exámenes en línea?
Wie der Duolingo English Test seine Online-Prüfung beaufsichtigt
Por que os testes padronizados precisam adotar a IA
3 ways Duolingo improves education using AI
Por qué los exámenes estandarizados deben adoptar la inteligencia artificial
I’m a writer—here’s why I’m not scared of GPT-3
Announcing the Duolingo English Test’s 2022 Doctoral Award Winners!
The Duolingo English Test: a year in review
Rules are rules: what test takers should know about cheating and the Duolingo English Test
Why we hired one of our most vocal critics to work on the Duolingo English Test
How the Duolingo English Test proctors its online exam
5 ways universities can support refugee students
Young people want to work and study abroad—but testing makes it difficult
Can a standardized test actually write itself?
What the new SAT rules mean for the future of testing
Why standardized tests need to embrace AI
by Naomi Care and Sophie Wodzak