For language learners, understanding spoken language and keeping up with conversations is one of the most challenging parts of a new language—but it's also one of the most important skills! 

That's why you'll love DuoRadio: These podcast-like audio experiences train your ear through fun storytelling from Duolingo’s world characters.

Ready to tune in? 🎧

What is DuoRadio?

DuoRadio lessons focus on building your listening skills while entertaining you with interesting stories. In each episode, you'll listen to a short, podcast-like radio show featuring one of your favorite Duolingo characters as the host! DuoRadio episodes can be found right in your path—they're the lessons with a headphone icon.

Screenshot of a section of the Intermediate Spanish 2 section, showing the path with 2 completed purple. The next node has headphones on it and the bubble above it says 'Start.' Screenshot of the beginning of a DuoRadio lesson, with a large illustration of a microphone and above it a logo with Bea's winking face and the words 'Aventuras con Bea.' Screenshot of an exercise in the middle of a DuoRadio lesson, with an illustration of Bea sitting at a desk in front of a microphone. The instructions say 'Select 3 words that you hear' followed by a blue speaker button and audio wave and a list of 5 Spanish word tiles to choose from.

Each show is crafted around our characters’ personalities to create an immersive and engaging experience that gets you listening to your new language in entertaining new ways. 

For example, there's Ask Lucy, the advice show from our all-knowing, somewhat-mysterious host. You'll also get to know Bea through her DuoRadio show Adventures with Bea, where she interviews people from around the world and introduces listeners to new cultures. She's as ambitious as ever!

How DuoRadio helps you practice listening

Our DuoRadio episodes are designed to gradually increase in difficulty, in order to strengthen your listening skills. You'll start with episodes that use both your own language and the language you're learning—that way you can work your way up to an episode that’s fully in your new language! Each episode is also designed around the lessons that you do every day: We incorporate words, phrases, and grammar points from recent lessons so that you can practice them in a new context. 

Listening to a new language can be tough, so episodes include short, fun exercises to help you check your comprehension and practice your listening skills even more! 

Matching Comprehension Check Listen and Select
Screenshot of an illustration of Bea sitting at her DuoRadio desk in front of a microphone. The instructions say 'Tap the matching pairs' and below it are 4 blue speaker buttons of audio files and 4 English translations. Screenshot of an illustration of Zari sitting at her DuoRadio desk in front of a microphone. The instructions include a Spanish sentence and two large buttons: a check mark and an 'X.' Screenshot of an illustration of Lucy sitting at her DuoRadio desk in front of a microphone. The instructions say 'Select 3 words you hear' followed by a blue speaker button and audio wave and a list of 5 Spanish word tiles to choose from.

Tune in to DuoRadio!

DuoRadio is a great way to practice your listening skills while having fun with your favorite Duolingo characters! You'll find DuoRadio in our Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Italian courses for English speakers.