How many times have you used math today without realizing it? Maybe you calculated your commute time, compared prices at the store, or split a bill with friends.These everyday activities each require us to think mathematically. Math isn't just a subject we study in school; it’s a force that shapes our daily lives and decisions.

That’s why we are excited to update our Math course with new puzzles and skills that enhance the experience and make math more fun. Learn more about the additions (sorry, we had to!) and try them today!

Break down complex problems with Life Skills

If you’re familiar with word problems, Life Skills take them to the next level! Life rarely presents us with neat, single-step problems, and Life Skills mirrors the math you’ll need in complex real-world situations. Whether it's planning a trip to Rome (and figuring out the time change) or comparing store discounts to get the best deal, these exercises break down intimidating problems into manageable steps.

4 new math games

Sometimes, you want to flex your math muscles just for the fun of it, so we’ve created four new puzzles and games for Math learners! Each is a bite-sized opportunity to add a bit more math practice into your day.

3 iPhone screens showing Math puzzles. The first shows the Math tab, which is activated by a puzzle icon on the bottom of the screen. It says “Math Games: Train your mental math and logic skills”. The second screen is of Math paths, a 4x4 grid of numbers and the instructions say “Find paths that add up to 10”. The third screen is of Cash Dash, and shows a stack of bills labeled “$12.00” with 2 options below: a stack of bills labeled $8 and a circle that says +25%. The learners is prompted to select the better option from those.

Cash Dash 
This timed challenge asks you to make quick money comparisons and choose the better financial option. Is 500 cents better, or 4 dollars? Is it better to multiply your pot by 3/2 or add $200? You have to “earn” as much as you can before time runs out!

Secret Equation
Can you figure out the elements of a hidden equation in just five guesses? 

Magic Squares
In this quick test of addition, you’ll put numbers in a 3x3 grid and ensure each row and column adds up to the same number. 

Math Paths
You have one minute to find as many paths as you can that add up to the target number! 

Unlock new skills with Math on Duolingo 

While Math is available to learners on Android and iOS, puzzles and Life Skills are only available on iOS platforms right now. We’re working hard to make these skills available to more learners as soon as possible! In the meantime, check out our talk from Duocon 2024 and see all we have in store for Math at Duolingo!