Mental math can be a lot of fun—once you know a couple of tricks! Think of mental math as playing with numbers: You can break them apart, combine them, round them up or down, hold them in your mind, or eliminate them quickly. Numbers are predictable, and that realization can help you feel comfortable working with them.

Here are two simple ways to do mental math quickly and easily!

Tip #1: Break numbers apart

When adding two- or three-digit numbers, break them into easier numbers before you add them up. Splitting numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones makes it easier to put them back together!

For example, if you are adding 23 + 45, break the numbers apart like this:

A table showing 23 + 45 = ? on the left. On the right of 23 is 20 + 3. On the right of 45 is 40 + 5.

Then it is easy to add the tens first:

The table is repeated. Now "+3" and "+5" are grayed out. Under 20 and 40 is their total, 60.

Hold the 60 in your head, and now add the ones:

The table is repeated again. Now, 20 + 40 = 60 is grayed out, and under 3 and 5 is their sum, 8.

And then just add both totals:

Now the table shows 23 + 45 = 68 on the left side, and the new sums 60 and 8 are also shown to add up to 68.

The calculations above use numbers ending in 0 and small numbers—which are easier to work with. But the process is the same for larger numbers!

This time, let's try 424 + 155.

First, break them apart:

A new table with 424 + 155 = ? on the left. On the top next to 424 is 400 + 20 + 4. Below that, next to 155, is 100 + 50 + 5.

It is so much easier to work with those numbers! Now add them together:

This new table is repeated. Now the columns appear with their sums: 400 + 100 = 500, followed by 20 + 50 = 70, and finally 4 + 5 = 9.

Finally, that last bit of addition:

This new table shows 424 + 155 = 579 across the left column, and the broken-down sums on the bottom show the same: 500 + 70 + 9 = 579.

Tip #2: Make tens and hundreds your friends

When you have numbers that are close to a ten (like 30, 40, 50, etc) or a hundred (like 200, 300, 400, etc), they are easier to work with if you help them get to that nearby round number.

Let’s say you are adding 323 +198. The second number is very close to 200—it just needs 2 more! So borrow that 2 from the first number to make one of them a friendly round number:

A table shows 323 and 198 in a column on the left. They are each part of an equation: 323 - 2 and 198 + 2. Their sum is a question mark.

And then it becomes a breeze to add 321 + 200 = 521.

The table is repeated, now with the calculations: 323 - 2 = 321 and 198 + 2 = 200. The sum of 321 and 200 is 521.

*Count* on these tips for faster mental math

Like any skill, mental math takes practice, but look for patterns and tricks to help you improve! Even these simple calculations can be a fun and practical way to keep your mind sharp.