As of this moment, nearly 8 million learners on Duolingo have a streak of 365 days or more. People obsess over their streaksincluding us!—and we know that the streak is one of the most powerful tools that get learners coming back every day.

What’s more powerful than making a commitment to yourself? Making a commitment to someone else! We are so excited to launch our newest social motivation feature, the Friend Streak 🔥

Now, you can share streaks with up to five friends on Duolingo. You’ll maintain a separate streak with each of your friends, and they have to accept the invitation (that’s why it’s a shared commitment!) Once you’ve enlisted a friend to share a streak, each of you has to do one thing to keep it going: a daily lesson!

Two phone screens. On the left, you’re inside the users streak drawer. The top of the screen says “PERSONAL” and “FRIENDS”— “FRIENDS” is selected. Below, an image of Lily and Duo in a handshake. Below, a list of “Friend Streaks”: the user has a 170-day streak with Amo, a 100 day streak with Fati, an 88 day streak with Lily and a request pending from James. There is one blank slot that says “Invite a friend.” On the right, an image of the Friend streak between Luis and Lily is extended–the learner and Luis now have a 120 day streak and the learner and Lily share an 88 day streak. Grayed out below is a prompt to “nudge” Briana, who has not done their daily lesson yet.

That’s right: this is the easiest way to learn alongside friends, because all you have to do is keep up your end of the bargain. If you’re already doing a lesson every day, it’s easy to ask a friend to join in on the fun! And it works: we’ve found that learners with at least one shared streak are 22% more likely to complete their daily lesson, and that likelihood increases the more friend streaks you have!

Here’s everything you need to know about the Friend Streak

Where can I see my Friend Streaks?
You can view your Friend Streak in the same spot you view your normal streak. Tap on the streak flame at the top of your home page to check the status of your streaks.

How do I start a new Friend Streak?
You can invite friends to start a new streak from that status page, too! Keep in mind: you can only start a streak with friends who follow you back, and your friend must accept the invite in order for the Friend Streak to officially start. 

Uh-oh… my friend hasn’t done a lesson yet today! Can I remind them?
You now have (some) of Duo’s power… you can send your friends a reminder! We’ll offer you a few different chances to nudge your friends to keep their streak. 

Two phone screens showing the nudge flow for Friend Streak. On the left, the learner can “Nudge Lily.” Their avatar has a speech bubble with the message: “A real friend honors their friend streak”. On the left, an iPhone screen with several Duolingo notifications reminding them to do their lesson. The top notification is one from Luis with an eyes emoji that says “A real friend honors their Friend Streak!”

Are you ready to commit to learning? Start a Friend Streak today! 🔥