So, you’ve taken the plunge and signed up for a study abroad program. Great! Not only is spending time in another country a great way to accelerate your language skills, but you're also guaranteed adventures and friendships that will last a lifetime. 

It might seem overwhelming to look ahead to your semester, year, or more away from home—but it doesn’t have to be! Here are a few tips to help you make the most of this special experience.

Don’t skip your language lessons

Yes, we get it—when the weather warms up your thoughts might turn to anything other than doing homework. But be sure to stick with your lessons, on Duolingo and at the local university! These more formal lessons will help enforce what you’re hearing outside of school and increase your confidence—which will improve your study abroad experience for sure. And research shows that structured language lessons help learners get what they need, when they need it.

Prepare for culture and language shock

Going to the bank, grocery shopping, or riding public transit in another country can be tricky at first—even before you factor in accomplishing them in another language. Take it slowly, and give yourself grace, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or clarification. You’ll be surprised at how quickly navigating daily life becomes second nature.

Set small goals

Telling yourself “I will be fluent by the end of the semester” will leave you feeling overwhelmed. Instead, try creating a series of micro-goals. Aim to only use your new language while buying a drink at the local konbini. Go to a museum and challenge yourself to avoid reading art descriptions in English. If you’re living with a host family, try chatting with their younger children. The more you can make learning feel like a game, the more you’ll grow!

Embrace local traditions

Much of language reflects the attitudes and values of the culture that uses it. If you have the opportunity, visit a local festival or celebration, and take the opportunity to take it all in. The more you understand about what the community holds dear, the more linguistic rules will begin to make sense.

Don’t forget your interests

Whether you can’t wait to binge your favorite anime, or perfect your French pastries, chances are there’s a class or a meet-up group nearby. Using the target language is a lot less intimidating when it serves as a gateway to bonding over common interests.

While we’re at it… make local friends

Having local friends means texting, inside jokes, and positive experiences—all which help cement a language in your mind. Be sure to reach outside your study abroad circle to make connections, too!

Pick up local reading material

Whether it’s a free local newspaper or your favorite website, make it a habit to read something other than textbooks to practice the most current language about culturally relevant topics. Bonus: This healthy habit also doubles as a shortcut to discovering the best parties, restaurants, and cultural events your adopted home has to offer.

Pack your bags and go!

Studying abroad is an incredible experience. Take plenty of photos, and seize every opportunity to enjoy yourself—you’re building memories and language skills that will last a lifetime.